Hickory Dickory Dock 歌詞<Mother Goose>


Hickory Dickory Dock

  1. Hickory Dickory Dock,
    The mouse ran up the clock.
    The clock struck one,
    The mouse ran down,
    Hickory Dickory Dock
  2. Hickory Dickory Dock,
    The mouse ran up the clock.
    The clock struck six,
    Rise and shine!
    Hickory Dickory Dock
  3. Hickory Dickory Dock,
    The mouse ran up the clock.
    The clock struck twelve,
    What’s for lunch?
    Hickory Dickory Dock
  4. Hickory Dickory Dock,
    The mouse ran up the clock.
    The clock struck three,
    Where’s my snack?
    Hickory Dickory Dock
  5. Hickory Dickory Dock,
    The mouse ran up the clock.
    The clock struck five,
    Hurry Home.
    Hickory Dickory Dock
  6. Hickory Dickory Dock,
    The mouse ran up the clock.
    The clock struck six,
    Hickory Dickory Dock
  7. Hickory Dickory Dock,
    The mouse ran up the clock.
    The clock struck eight,
    Read to me.
    Hickory Dickory Dock
  8. Hickory Dickory Dock,
    The mouse ran up the clock.
    The clock struck nice,
    Time for bed.
    Hickory Dickory Dock


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