「まん防」を英語で?quasi-state of emergency
quasi- state of emergency
quasi -state emergency
quasi – emergency
quasi – emergency measures
intensive anti-infection measures 重点的まんえん防止対策=まん延防止等重点措置
Japan plans to expand quasi-state of emergency
Japan to expand quasi-state of emergency
NHK World Japan
Japan’s government plans to expand the current quasi-state of emergency as coronavirus case numbers continue to climb.
Prime Minister Kishida Fumio said:” Upon request from these prefectures, we thoroughly considered how infections are spreading and affecting local medical systems. We decided that we should seek advice and approval from experts on applying and extending intensive anti-infection measures.”
続きを読む→★★Japan to expand quasi-state of emergency
Government adds 18 prefectures to quasi-emergency list
The quasi-emergency measures to mitigate the spread of the novel coronavirus will be applied to 18 more prefectures, including Hokkaido, Osaka, and Fukuoka, the government decided Tuesday.
The Japan Times by Yomiuri Shimbun
続きを読む→★★Government adds 18 prefectures to quasi-emergency list
Japan to expand COVID quasi-emergency to 34 of 47 prefectures
TOKYOJapan is set to expand a COVID-19 quasi-state of emergency to 34 of the nation’s 47 prefectures as Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Monday he plans to add 18 more areas to cope with a recent Omicron strain-driven spike in coronavirus cases.
When declared, over two-thirds of the country’s 47 prefectures will be under a quasi-emergency.
Japan Today
続きを読む→★★Japan to expand quasi-emergency to 34 of 47 prefectures.
「緊急事態宣言」State of Emergencyを覚えてくれたお子様ならば
「まん防」quasi- state of emergencyも紹介しやすいです。