Mysterious odor 神奈川での異臭騒ぎ
横浜市青葉区英会話Eigostar Englishマンツーマン英会話レッスン
ここのところ神奈川県下で頻繁に起きている異臭騒ぎを「Mysterious Odor : ミステリアスな異臭」
Over the past few months people living just outside Tokyo have been complaining of a mysterious odor.
NHK World News
Mysterious Odor puzzles residents near Tokyo ニュースを見る 続きを読む
“It smells strange” Reported in Yokosuka City on the 15th A series of prefectures proceeded with analysis
Teller Report
In Kanagawa prefecture, there were a series of reports that “it smells strange”, and on the 15th, there were a series of reports that “it smells like gas” in Yokosuka City, and firefighters collected sample air.
Teller Report
Prefectures and others are going to analyze the ingredients and investigate the cause.
On the 12th of this month, sample air was collected in Yokohama City, and as a result of analysis, isopentane and pentane contained in gasoline etc. were detected at concentrations 10 times higher than usual.
Teller Report
